Perfect Recipes

True Greek Salad
Prep time: 5 minutes
Skill level: beginner

This refreshing salad is bursting with flavour. No lettuce to wilt means you can make this one ahead of time too!
tomatoes cut into wedges
cucumber, peeled and diced
⅓ cup (75 mL)
thinly sliced or diced red onion
green pepper, diced or sliced into rings
¼ cup (50 mL)
finely chopped parsley
½ lb (250 g)
feta cheese, diced
½ cup (125 mL)
Kalamata olives
½ cup (125 mL)
olive oil
5-6 tbsp (75-90 mL)
ReaLemon® Lemon Juice
Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste
Pinch dried oregano leaves
Combine tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, green pepper, parsley, feta cheese and olives. Whisk together olive oil, ReaLemon®, salt, pepper and oregano. Pour over salad and toss well.
Makes 4 servings.